
$ZAD (0xAdventure Token) serves as the economic backbone of the 0xAdventure ecosystem.

To fully leverage the potential of 0xAdventure AI applications, $ZAD is deeply integrated into its business architecture. Through carefully designed touchpoints, it directly links AI model needs with the $ZAD token, covering aspects such as NFT creation, AI-driven game worlds, and chatbot interactions, making $ZAD a key vector for value transfer within the ecosystem. This connection not only enhances the platform's interactivity and economic vitality but also bridges players, developers, and game content.


Full Name of Token: 0xAdventure Token

Token Symbol: ZAD

Total Issuance: 1 billion, non-inflationary

Issuing Networks: SOLANA

Contract Address:


The tokenomics of 0xAdventure are designed to support the project's long-term development, with a total issuance of 1 billion tokens.

Private Sale: 13%

TGE 5% unlocked, 3 months cliff, then monthly vesting 21 months

Team & Advisor: 20%

6 months cliff after TGE, then monthly vesting for 50 month

Public Sale: 5%

TGE 100% unlocked

Ecosystem: 47%

Controlled by the DAO and mainly used to reward the community, cold start of new features

Treasury: 15%

No lock up period and no vesting condition.

Last updated